

The investigation group of CNOOC coming to Molong
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  On Aug. 21st, Li Lihong ,the drilling director and senior engineer of The China National Offshore Oil Corporation(CNOOC) together with 7 other people came to our company  to investigate and instruct. Zhang Yunsan, the vice-president together with the relative staff made an approach to the relative issues with the investigation group.
  Zhang Yunsan introduced the development history and future planning to the investigation group , and expressed that Shandong Molong would like to establish a good cooperative relation with CNOOC. Guo Huanran, the excutive deputy general manager, introduced the basic conditions, the quality management system, the healthy and safe environment, the selling performance of the tubing & the casing and the research & development of technology etc. conditions  in detail through the lantern plates.
  The investigation group pointed out that they had mainly used overseas products before, because they needed the high-quality equipment when they drilled and extracted the oil on the sea.But now in order to realize the sinicization of the petroleum equipment,  CNOOC decided to investigate on the excellent petroleum equipment machinery manufacturer and service provider at home and chose the equipment provider at home.
  After the technical exchange, the investigation group visited the Science and Technology Park, the Industrial Park and the Baolong item under construction. After visiting, the investigation group expressed that Shandong Molong Petroleum Machinery Company Limited has advanced producing equipment, complete experimental equipment, full detecting instrument and high-quality products. CNOOC hoped to continue enforcing communication and coodination and come to terms to cooperate with each other as soon as posibble.

Publisher:Information manager   Date:2007-9-13